Doing The Futterwacken, Are They? Inside The Crooked Forest Of Grayfino …

Siddharth Dehl

Last updated: Apr 3, 2017

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The twisty crooked pines of Grayfino


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Want To Go ? 

Right out of a dream, the crooked forest of Grayfino looks like you'll find the Madhatter walking around here somewhere. Whosoever planted these winding pines either wanted to create his own little wonderland or was plain crazy! Or did they grow up naturally like this? Nothing can truly explain this collection of 400 odd looking trees bent at the base, as if they got stuck forever in Futterwacken. Wondering what’s that? You've got to read Alice in Wonderland!

Crooked Forest Of Grayfino
Fringed by twisted pines, walking on this trail will be a whole lot of fun.

So What Made Them, Anyway?

Many a story about these pines is afloat. Planted in 1930, some say they were specially grown twisted for about 10 - 15 years to create furniture from naturally curved wood. Fifteen years later, the world got busy in war and the idea of furniture-from-naturally-curved-wood got lost in gunfire.

Another plausible story points to a more natural cause, like maybe the young trees got buried under a dreadful snowstorm and ended up like this. Some imagine if the gravitational pull of the area is to blame? And some like me are so damn sure they are doing the Futterwacken!

crooked forest of grayfino
​ The crooked forest of Gryfino under a sunny sky


Well, whatsoever maybe the reason, this forest is a treat to behold. A walk through these twisty crooked pines of Grayfino is a must on your visit to Poland.