Goa Bus Routes - Find all Bus Routes From Goa to any City at MakeMyTrip.com
There are numerous bus routes to goa. But the most used and frequent bus routes are from
Mumbai and Pune. A Bus to Goa which comes from Maharashtra or Madhya Pradesh uses the route of Mumbai and Pune as direct highway connects them. Central India and north India are connected via Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan to enter goa. With the exponential increase in the tourists coming from all over the India, many new Goa Buses ply from major cities. With the huge demand from south, many new Goa Buses run from major cities like Mangalore,
Chennai and
Bangalore. Goa Bus Tickets can be booked from various major cities. The main centers for Goa Bus Booking are in the major cities with added advantage to telephonically book tickets. As holidays bring huge crowds, so Goa Buses are booked by the people in advance to get free from last minute hassles.