FAQs For Students Travelling Abroad

Shubhda Khanna

Last updated: Sep 19, 2024

The first semester in international colleges is just round the corner and it’s about time you start planning your travel. Whether you’re a seasoned traveller or a first timer, there are always a bunch of questions that invariably crop up before you’re all set to go.

For instance, how will you carry all that stuff you’ve been collecting for months? Or what if a change in plan comes up last minute? How much money should you carry? Where should you get the international SIM card from? Don’t worry, the key is in good planning. Here are the answers to some of the FAQs for students travelling abroad.

  1. How Do I Make The Most Of Excess Baggage Allowance For Students?

Most airlines are quite student friendly and allow them to carry excess baggage. Depending on the country you are travelling to, look up the various luggage rules and pick your airlines accordingly. For instance, British Airways, Air India, Qatar Airways and Virgin Atlantic all offer good deals for students to carry extra stuff. Don’t forget to check the stipulated travel and booking dates. While packing, keep in mind that it’s best to carry all your IDs and important documents in your hand luggage instead of the check in baggage just in case it gets delayed or lost in transit.

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  1. What Are The Important Documents?

If you are applying for any special student deals and discounts it’s very important to remember the documents that you need to avail these offers or you might miss a good opportunity. Some of the common documents that are required by most airlines include your student visa or student exchange visa (F1 or J1 or I20 or DS2019, etc) and the admission acceptance letter from the college/university. For excess baggage, you would also need to show proof of enrollment to the airport check-in staff, failing which, the additional baggage allowance could be denied.

While this is not a document, if you are using any medication, you must carry a prescription or letter from your physician in case you need to purchase it in the foreign country.

  1. What Should I Keep In Mind While Planning My Budget?

Student life can have some severe monetary challenges, especially if you’re studying abroad. But if you are smart you can manage pretty well without burning a hole in your pocket. Start by making a list of all the expenditures you are likely to have, look for the cheapest options, and budget your way out. Here are a few things to look out for:

  1. Book your ticket early on while the prices are still low
  2. Look for cheap housing/ hostels before you leave, connect with potential flatmates online
  3. Plan your immunizations well in advance so you aren’t pressed for time and money last minute
  4. Find out the best plan for a local SIM card and buy it from your destination country – don’t waste any money on international roaming
  5. Check the exchange rate before your travel and find the best places to convert currency. Get a student debit or travel card
  6. Open a local bank account as soon as possible. You would need this for your family to send you money
  1. What’s The Ideal Time To Buy Your Tickets?

The best time to book an international ticket is about a month in advance. Ideally, you should start checking for deals three months before you plan to travel and freeze the final plan till you still have four weeks or the prices start rising.

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  1. How Do I Protect Myself Against Last Minute Change In Plans?

For any travel you need to be prepared for contingencies. The most important thing to do is to get travel insurance so you don’t end up wasting money in time of emergency. Look for an insurance policy that covers potential untoward situations such as, you or someone in your family falls sick leading to a postponement of your trip, or in case your bags get delayed or god forbid, but your luggage or passport is stolen. Read the fine print.

  1. Whom Do I Contact In Case Of An Emergency After Reaching?

It’s great if you have family and friends in the country that you are going to study in, but you should also always have the contact of the Indian Embassy or Consulate nearest to your university. In case you lose your passport, visa or other critical documents you should be able to get in touch with the embassy at the soonest.

  1. Can I Drive In A Foreign Country Using My Indian Licence?

While some countries might allow you to use your Indian driving licence, at least for a certain time period, most countries require you to get a local or international driving licence. Since these rules vary for every country, look up the information online or contact the country’s embassy for verification.

Time flies, so start planning now. Have a good flight!