Travel Smart. The Joys of Luggage Cloakrooms

Swati Talwar

Last updated: Apr 3, 2017

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Keep your luggage in the cloakrooms at the major airports and pick them on your way back
Carry a proof of identity in order to keep your luggage in the cloakrooms


Singapore: Electronic gadgets
Turkey: Hand-made carpets, the blue evil eye and ceramics
Canada: Sporting gears


For luggage storage, contact:
Heathrow: Excess Baggage Company
Chhatarpati Shivaji International Airport : Trident Flight Handlers

Travel Easy: 

Cheap air tickets in India and abroad, booking flights on mobile and getting to know your flight status within seconds are phenomena that have made travelling by air easy and comfortable. But if you are an avid air traveller, a die-hard shopaholic during holidays, or play a courier guy dropping stuff to friends and family as you pass their cities, you will agree that carrying your luggage everywhere is a definite put off. Well, the solution to the problem is way easier than you think it is.


Book your international air tickets and as you explore and shop across the globe, drop that TV from Singapore, carpets from Turkey and sporting gear from Canada in luggage cloakrooms at the respective airports and continue with your sojourn completely worry free. Just remember to pick them on your way back.

All You Need to Know: 

Especially a boon for those who are hard pressed for time, these cloak rooms allow you to leave your bags for as many as 90 days (differing from airport to airport). Some of them even provide the facility of couriering your luggage to your home! Of course, this facility comes at a price and while international airports like Heathrow charge up to 9 Euros per day, the service is relatively cheap at IGI Delhi and Chhatarpati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai which operate a number of airlines including the likes of Air India and Spicejet Airlines.


This facility is particularly helpful if you are travelling to a small town. You already have connecting flights to deal with, why worry about your bags too? Leave them at the cloak room at the major airport and carry the bare essentials.

When it comes to the safety of your luggage at these cloak rooms, rest assured. Some companies that deal with luggage storage are Excess Baggage Company at Heathrow and Trident Flight Handlers at Chhatarpati Shivaji International Airport. All the luggage is typically scanned through x-ray machines and hand searched for security reasons, a proof of identity (passport, in case of foreign travellers) is all that is required and you are all set to travel luggage free.

Gone are the days when travelling was a tiresome task, say hello to breakthrough concepts like online airline booking and drop luggage facility at airports!