6E-5364 | 6E-2603
Goa - Dabolim AirportIndiGo
6E-5364 | 6E-2279
Goa - Dabolim AirportAizawl to Goa Distance
First Flight for Aizawl to Goa | IndiGo, 13:20 |
Last Flight from Aizawl to Goa | IndiGo, 13:20 |
Number of Flights Operating Daily(One Way) | 2 |
Source city Airport | Aizawl Airport |
Destination City Airport | Dabolim Airport |
Nonstop Flights from Aizawl to Goa | 0 |
Minimum airfare for One Way Flight From Aizawl to Goa | 9056 |
Airline Operating on Aizawl to Goa | IndiGo |
Aizawl to Goa
Aerial Distance | 2164Km |
Road Distance | 3708Km |