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Rajkot to Salem Flights

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Rajkot to Salem Flight Information :-

Book Rajkot to Salem flight tickets online and get attractive deals. We offer great deals and discounts on online tickets booking to your favorite destinations on Makemytrip.

How to Book Rajkot to Salem Flight Ticket on MakeMyTrip?

Kindly follow below mentioned process to book your Rajkot to Salem Flight tickets:

  1. Log in to your MakeMyTrip personal account. Create one if you don’t have.
  2. In the search part, enter your details like - source city(Rajkot), destination city(Salem), travel date, number of traveller etc.
  3. Click on Search and you will get the directory of all Rajkot to Salem Flights sorted by airfare with wide range of filters.
  4. Apply desired filter like - Morning Flight, Non-Stop Rajkot to Salem Flight etc. as per your requirement & click on Book Now to proceed for payment.
  5. Apply Promo Code “MMTFLYTODAY” to get upto Rs 2,000 instant discount on your Rajkot to Salem Flight. Also for more details explore Domestic Flight Offers.
  6. Once the payment is done, you will receive the E-Ticket along with invoice for your Rajkot to Salem Flight.
How can I check the Flight status & schedule for my Rajkot to Salem flights?

You need to follow few simple steps to check the flight status & schedule for Rajkot to Salem Flights.

  1. Login to your MakeMyTrip personal account and visit our Flight Status Page.
  2. Choose Origin city as Rajkot and Destination City as Salem.
  3. Enter your Departure & Return Date.
  4. Click on “Go” tab to get the real time flight status for Rajkot to Salem Flight.
How much baggage can I carry on my Rajkot to Salem flight?

You can carry up to 7 kg of cabin baggage and 15 kg of check-in luggage per person on an economy Rajkot to Salem Flight. The Rajkot to Salem Air India Flight allows 7 kg of cabin baggage and 20 kg of check-in luggage per person.

How can I do web check-in for my upcoming Rajkot at Salem flight?

Visit our web check-in page, you will be asked to select your upcoming Rajkot to Salem trip. Enter your PNR number & Last name, you can select the seat of your choice. Few seats are free and few are paid. You can even book your meals through MakeMyTrip.

About Salem

Salem, the wonderful city of Tamil Nadu, surrounded by mountains has a queer beauty. Book flight tickets to this amazing destination and spend some quiet time relaxing in its serene beauty.

Cheap air travel has made it possible to reach cities like Salem that are a traveler's delight. Some of the prime destinations of the city include the picturesque Mettur Dam, which is a famous picnic spot and the Sankakiri Fort located on Sankakiri Hills, a historic site offering some mesmerizing views. The city also has some famous temples like Kottai Mariamman Temple located on the banks of river Tirumanimuthar, Sugavaneshwarar Temple, 1008 Lingam Temple that contains 1008 Shiva Lingams, Siddhar Temple, etc. Poiman Karadu is another famous spot that should be on your travel list. Book flight tickets to the city that are now available at low prices, and create some memorable moments with your loved ones.


Best time to fly


Salem experiences tropical climate. The summer season starts from April and extends till July. Weather during this time of the year is quite hot and humid making it unfavorable to explore the city. Monsoon starts from the end of July and lasts till September. Salem receives heavy rainfall in Monsoon which might make it difficult for you to explore the city. Winter sets in October and remains till March and has pleasant and cool weather conditions. Thus, it is the best time to visit Salem and explore its beauty. Looking for flight schedules to Salem? Get all the information at


Major airlines flying to Salem


Salem airport is the major airport serving Salem and connecting it to other cities of India. The major airline that operates its flights to the city is TruJet. You can easily book TruJet flight from Chennai to Salem. The city has some great accommodation options for its visitors like the Laila Palace, Grand Estancia, etc. that ensure your total comfort.


Airport Address


Airports Authority of India

Salem Airport

Kamalapuram, Salem

Tamil Nadu

Telephone number: +91 4290 220 060

Email Address:

Salem Airport

Timezone: GMT +05.30 hours


Airport Address

Salem Airport

Airport Name: Salem Airport
Address: Salem Airport, Salem-636309
Country: India
GMT Offset: +5.3
Latitude: 11.7823
Longitude: 78.0646

About Rajkot

Rajkot, one of the fastest growing cities in India, is located at a distance of 245 km from the state capital, Gandhinagar. The city, founded in 1607 AD, is one of the most visited tourist destinations in India. Being an important city of Gujarat, Rajkot is well connected to the rest of the country. Tourists planning to visit the city by air can avail regular flights to Rajkot from different parts of India.

There are direct flights to Rajkot from Mumbai and it takes just around an hour to reach the destination. Travellers can fly to Mumbai from domestic and international destinations and take a connecting flight to Rajkot, which are operated by Jet Airways and Air India, among others.

Rajkot, located on the banks of the Aji River and Nyari River, is renowned for several tourist attractions. Some of the prominent names include the Connaught Hall, Rashtriya Shala, Kaba Gandhi No Delo (Mahatma Gandhi's childhood home), Watson Museum, Rotary Midtown Library and Lang Library. Daily Rajkot flights are available at affordable rates, helping travellers to reach the city conveniently. Tourists can even get lucky with various deals available on air tickets to Rajkot. Travellers can look for best flight deals and get cheap air tickets on MakeMyTrip.

Rajkot is a wonderful city which is well connected from Mumbai and Kandla. The major airlines that cater services are Jet Airways, Gujarat Airways, Air Deccan, Indian Airlines and East West airlines. The total distance from the main city and Rajkot airport is about 4 km. The popular hotels around the airport are Hotel Aditya, Silver Palace Hotel and Comfort Inn Legacy.

Airport Address

Civil Airport

Airport Name: Rajkot Airport
Address: Civil Aerodrome, Rajkot-360006 (Gujarat)
Country: India
GMT Offset: +5.5 hours
Latitude: 22.3092° N
Longitude: 70.7794° E

Frequently Asked Questions - Rajkot to Salem Flights

Q: Can I book my meal for flight to Salem?

A: Yes, you can pre-book your meal through MakeMyTrip for flight to Salem.

Q: Is it important to pay insurance charge for Rajkot to Salem flight booking?

A: No, its not required. But we advise you to pay small amount of insurance fee from safety purpose.

Q: Which airlines fly from Rajkot to Salem ?

A: Top Airlines like Air India, Spice Jet and Indigo fly from Rajkot to Salem.

Q: Is there any bank offers running to get Instant discount or cashback on Rajkot to Salem Flight?

A: Yes we have great bank offers for you to get cashback offers. Kindly visit our flight offers page to get detailed and latest information

Q: Any offer available for new users on Rajkot to Salem flight booking by MakeMyTrip?

A: MakeMyTrip offers Flat 10% OFF✅ for especially new users by using coupon code: “WELCOMEMMT”.

Q: What are the offers available on Rajkot to Salem flight bookings?

A: 1)You can use promo code MMTDEAL & get flat 8% OFF (up to ✅ Rs. 450) on your Rajkot to Salem flight.
2)You can use promo code WELCOMEMMT & get flat 10% OFF (up to ✅ Rs. 2100) on your Rajkot to Salem flight.
3)You can use promo code INSTANTBOOK & get upto ✅ Rs.1000 on your Rajkot to Salem flight.
4)You can use promo code MMTSUPER on first domestic flight booking & get upto ✅ Rs.1500 on your Rajkot to Salem flight.

Check Distance

Cabs to Salem

Buses to Salem


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