Frequently Asked Questions While Booking Cheap Hotels
Q) How to grab the last minute hotel deals?
A: To grab the best deals become a regular visitor of hotel app and keep checking different deals available day to day. Also try to book just before your specific dates but make sure that inventory won’t get sold out.
Q) What days are hotels the cheapest?
A: Usually in off season hotels come with cheapest price. Also prices can be cheaper if hotelier has enough inventory available. Usually on weekends Fri/Sat hotel prices are cheap.
Q) Is it better to book hotels early?
A: If you want to get best deals & discounts, then it’s always good to wait. Prices will be significantly high on early booking but fear of inventory sold out will always there.
Q) Do hotel rates change daily?
A: Hotel prices doesn’t vary in off season, but in peak season prices fluctuate daily. Prices are thoroughly less on weekend.
Q) Is it cheaper to book a hotel directly?
A: You can get better deals on booking through MakeMyTrip rather booking directly, Also Wallet Amount is Additional advantage.
Q) How to find cheapest hotels for specific dates?
A: You can follow given steps to grab the cheapest deals:
- Search for Your City - Go to"
- Check out current running offers on" page
- Copy the coupon voucher from Offer page
- On check out page, apply the voucher code