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Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv
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No meals included
Cancellation Policy
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Pay before 19 Feb, 11:59 PM IST to avoid auto-cancellation
Payment can only be done on MakeMyTrip
Per Night
Starting at
₹ 3,287
Per Night
Starting at
₹ 4,673
No meals included
Cancellation Policy
Book with ₹0 Payment
Lowest price of this property
Starting at
₹ 1,644
No meals included
Cancellation Policy
Book with ₹0 Payment
Starting at
₹ 1,844
No meals included
Cancellation Policy
Book with ₹0 Payment
Starting at
₹ 1,904
No meals included
Cancellation Policy
Book with ₹0 Payment
Starting at
₹ 2,105
Starting at
₹ 2,336
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
Tel Aviv-Yafo
German Colony
Be'er Ya'akov
Yemin Moshe