Afralti Guest House Other Details

More about Afralti Guest House

Distance From City Centre 10.3 km
Check In 11:30 AM
Check Out 10 AM
Price Starts from ₹3271

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Questions & Answers - While Booking Afralti Guest House

Q: What are the nearby attractions near Afralti Guest House? Does Afralti Guest House arrange car on hire or rent to visit?

A: Some of the popular places of interest located within Nairobi from the Afralti Guest House include
  1. Sopa Lodges Head Office (6.0 km)
  2. Kenya National Theatre (7.3 km)
. You must not miss visiting nearby attractions while visiting Afralti Guest House. Traveling to such interesting places is easy as the Afralti Guest House arranges for car rentals at an additional charge. You can make a request at the Hotel front desk and avail the service.

Q: What is price range of Afralti Guest House Nairobi?

A: Price Range for Afralti Guest House hotel starts from ₹3271. Afralti Guest House Nairobi is an affordable property in this category.

Q: What are the rooms types available at Afralti Guest House Nairobi?

A: Afralti Guest House Nairobi has rooms for all types of guests to cater their requirements. Room types available at Afralti Guest House Nairobi are
  1. Standard Twin Room
  2. Standard Double Room

Q: Any options for booking on partner website?


You can explore Afralti Guest House on our partner website

Q: Where is Afralti Guest House located? How far Afralti Guest House is from the city centre or popular landmarks?

A: Afralti Guest House is located in Nairobi. Travelling from Afralti Guest House is hassle-free since the property is well-connected to popular commercial and business areas of the city. The bustling city centre lies at a suitable distance from the Afralti Guest House. The city’s popular landmarks and most sought-after spots like
  1. Sopa Lodges Head Office (6.0 km)
  2. Kenya National Theatre (7.3 km)
are all well connected from Afralti Guest House. The Afralti Guest House convenient location makes it an ideal stay option for both leisure and business travellers. Book Afralti Guest House Now.

Q: What is the Check In and Check Out time of Afralti Guest House Nairobi?

A: The Check In time of Afralti Guest House Nairobi is 11:30 AM. The early Check In is subject to availability, you can connect directly with the hotel for it. Standard Check Out of Afralti Guest House Nairobi is 10 AM.

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