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Located in a prime location, Hotel DG is perfect for travellers who want to experience a luxurious and memorable stay with unmatchable facilities.
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Semi Deluxe
Fits 2 Adults
₹ 2,500Per Night:
Mcleod Ganj
9 minutes walk to Triund Trekking Point
Change Dates and Guest(s)
Check-in: 12 PM | Check-out: 12 PM
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Free Breakfast
Cancellation Policy
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Pay before 14 Jan, 11:59 PM IST to avoid auto-cancellation
₹ 3,000
₹ 2,176
+₹ 288 taxes & fees Per Night
Login Now and get this for ₹2,152 or less
In times of uncertainty, flexibility matters,
Opt for a free cancellation rate.
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No meals included
Cancellation Policy
Book with ₹0 Payment
Pay before 14 Jan, 11:59 PM IST to avoid auto-cancellation
₹ 2,500
₹ 1,813
+₹ 240 taxes & fees Per Night
Login Now and get this for ₹1,793 or less
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Free Breakfast
Cancellation Policy
Book with ₹0 Payment
Pay before 14 Jan, 11:59 PM IST to avoid auto-cancellation
₹ 3,000
₹ 2,176
+₹ 288 taxes & fees Per Night
Login Now and get this for ₹2,152 or less
Book with ₹ 0 Payment
No meals included
Cancellation Policy
Book with ₹0 Payment
Pay before 14 Jan, 11:59 PM IST to avoid auto-cancellation
₹ 3,500
₹ 2,538
+₹ 336 taxes & fees Per Night
Login Now and get this for ₹2,510 or less
Book with ₹ 0 Payment
Free Breakfast
Cancellation Policy
Book with ₹0 Payment
Pay before 14 Jan, 11:59 PM IST to avoid auto-cancellation
₹ 4,000
₹ 2,901
+₹ 384 taxes & fees Per Night
Login Now and get this for ₹2,869 or less
Book with ₹ 0 Payment
No meals included
Cancellation Policy
Book with ₹0 Payment
Pay before 14 Jan, 11:59 PM IST to avoid auto-cancellation
₹ 5,000
₹ 3,626
+₹ 480 taxes & fees Per Night
Login Now and get this for ₹3,586 or less
Book with ₹ 0 Payment
Free Breakfast
Cancellation Policy
Book with ₹0 Payment
Pay before 14 Jan, 11:59 PM IST to avoid auto-cancellation
₹ 6,000
₹ 4,351
+₹ 576 taxes & fees Per Night
Login Now and get this for ₹4,303 or less
Property Rules at Hotel Deodar Villa
Couple, Bachelor Rules
Unmarried couples/guests with Local IDs are allowed.126 Ratings, 122 Reviews
Last 10 Customer Ratings (Latest First)
Traveller Impressions
Powered by Generative AI using recent user reviews
The property is located near the Dalai Lama temple and offers breathtaking views of the valley. The staff is friendly and helpful, and the rooms are clean and well-maintained. However, the property is situated on a steep slope, which may be difficult for older guests or those with mobility issues. The food is good, but the menu is limited. The property does not have its own parking, and the approach road is narrow and congested. Overall, it is a good option for those looking for a budget-friendly stay with great views.
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Near Dharamshala Bus Stand
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Mcleod Ganj
Q: Where is Hotel Deodar Villa located? How far Hotel Deodar Villa is from the city centre or popular landmarks?
Q: What are the nearby attractions near Hotel Deodar Villa? Does Hotel Deodar Villa arrange car on hire or rent to visit?
Q: What is the check-in and check-out time at Hotel Deodar Villa? Is early check-in and late check-out available?
Q: What is the nearby landmark for Hotel Deodar Villa Dharamshala?
Q: What is price range of Hotel Deodar Villa Dharamshala?
Q: What are the different room types at Hotel Deodar Villa? How can I book a room?
Q: Any options for booking on partner website?
You can explore Hotel Deodar Villa on our partner website