Q: What are the different room types at DREAM VILLA? How can I book a room?
Room Booking in DREAM VILLA offers diffrent well-furnished rooms equipped with all modern conveniences and comforts. To book a room with MakeMyTrip, you may follow these three simple steps: Open the MakeMyTrip website or app, enter the property name under the Hotels tab. Enter check-in and check-out dates and the number of rooms and guests. Select the suitable room type with meal plan of your choice.
Q: What are the customer ratings for DREAM VILLA?
The overall rating for DREAM VILLA stands at out of 5, as reviewed by 0 guests on MakeMyTrip. You can explore in-depth guest reviews and browse through photos shared by visitors directly on the MakeMyTrip platform.
Q: What are the Check-In and Check-Out times of DREAM VILLA, Manali?
Check-In Time: 12 PM
Check-Out Time: 11 AM. Early check-ins and late check-outs are subject to availability
Q: What are the nearby attractions near DREAM VILLA? Does DREAM VILLA arrange car on hire or rent to visit?
Some of the popular places of interest located within Manali from the DREAM VILLA include - Hidimba Devi Temple (7.0 km)
- Manu Temple (7.6 km)
. You must not miss visiting nearby attractions while visiting DREAM VILLA. Traveling to such interesting places is easy as the DREAM VILLA arranges for car rentals at an additional charge. You can make a request at the Villa front desk and avail the service.
Q: What is price range of DREAM VILLA Manali?
Q: What is the Check In and Check Out time of DREAM VILLA Manali?
The Check In time of DREAM VILLA Manali is 12 PM. The early Check In is subject to availability, you can connect directly with the hotel for it. Standard Check Out of DREAM VILLA Manali is 11 AM.
Q: How far is DREAM VILLA from the city center ?
From City Center its 4.3 kms away.
Q: Any options for booking on partner website?
You can explore DREAM VILLA on our partner website www.goibibo.com
Q: How many types of rooms are available at DREAM VILLA in Manali?
At DREAM VILLA, we offer 4 room types tailored to meet the needs of every traveler. Check detailed room features, images, and the latest availability. Each room is designed to make your stay unforgettable.
Q: Where is DREAM VILLA located? How far DREAM VILLA is from the city centre or popular landmarks?
DREAM VILLA is located in Manali. Travelling from DREAM VILLA is hassle-free since the property is well-connected to popular commercial and business areas of the city. The bustling city centre lies at a suitable distance from the DREAM VILLA. The city’s popular landmarks and most sought-after spots like - Hidimba Devi Temple (7.0 km)
- Manu Temple (7.6 km)
are all well connected from DREAM VILLA. The DREAM VILLA convenient location makes it an ideal stay option for both leisure and business travellers. Book DREAM VILLA Now.