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Latvia to Evreux

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About Riga (RIX)

Riga is the main capital city of Latvia and the largest city of the Baltic states. The city is a home to more than one third of Latvia's population. Being a leading seaport, the city is a major industrial, commercial, cultural and financial centre of the Baltic Sea region. It lies on the Gulf of Riga between 1 and 10 metres above sea level on a flat and sandy plain. Riga has an ancient history and is well-known for its rich cultural heritage that magnetizes large number of travellers across the country. Riga is a multicultural city that means there are number of few things to see here. You will surely love to have a weekend in Riga as it is a great way to gather new impressions and to relax. With its central geographic position, the city has always been the major infrastructural hub of Latvia. Travellers can admire the distinct architecture of Riga, especially the ancient art nouveau buildings. The city has been named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to the assorted collection of art nouveau buildings that makes it one of the largest in the world. Riga is also valued as a famous city with an exclusive assortment of wooden developments in its central section. The city has an active cultural life which attract a large number of people from all across the country. The Dome Cathedral is famous all across the world for its acoustics and giant organ. So, travellers who are planning to visit Riga, for them, it is worth attending one of its organ music concerts it offers. is one of the most famous online travel portal where you can do online air ticket bookings. It will hardly take few minutes to book your air tickets online as you just have to follow few simple steps online. There are number of economical offers and you can choose the best package as per your decided budget. So, get ready to enjoy a wonderful trip with family and friends.

Riga Address

About Evreux (EVX)


Evreux Address
