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11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS Train Running Status
#11057Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express
1105711057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express
Remaining 2052 kms
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9 In-between stationsCSMT0 kmsC SHIVAJI MAH TPlatform #14Platform #14Stop 0mARR.23:3023:30DEP.23:3023:30 12 In-between stationsDR9 kmsDADARPlatform #10Platform #10Stop 3mARR.23:3723:37DEP.23:4023:40 10 In-between stationsTNA34 kmsTHANEPlatform #7Platform #7Stop 3mARR.00:0200:02DEP.00:0500:05 10 In-between stationsKYN54 kmsKALYAN JNPlatform #4Platform #4Stop 3mARR.00:3200:32DEP.00:3500:35 3 In-between stationsKSRA121 kmsKASARAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 3mARR.01:2801:28DEP.01:3101:31- DVL182 kmsDEVLALIPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 1mARR.02:4502:45DEP.02:4602:46
8 In-between stationsNK188 kmsNASIK ROADPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 5mARR.02:5002:50DEP.02:5502:55 9 In-between stationsMMR261 kmsMANMAD JNPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 3mARR.04:0204:02DEP.04:0504:05 4 In-between stationsCSN328 kmsCHALISGAON JNPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.04:5804:58DEP.05:0005:00 4 In-between stationsPC373 kmsPACHORA JNPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 2mARR.05:2805:28DEP.05:3005:30 2 In-between stationsJL420 kmsJALGAON JNPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 2mARR.06:1306:13DEP.06:1506:15 4 In-between stationsBSL445 kmsBHUSAVAL JNPlatform #5Platform #5Stop 5mARR.06:4506:45DEP.06:5006:50 1 In-between stationsSAV460 kmsSAVDAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 1mARR.07:0907:09DEP.07:1007:10 1 In-between stationsRV479 kmsRAVERPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 1mARR.07:2407:24DEP.07:2507:25 2 In-between stationsBAU499 kmsBURHANPURPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.07:4307:43DEP.07:4507:45 7 In-between stationsNPNR526 kmsNEPANAGARPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.08:0808:08DEP.08:1008:10 1 In-between stationsKNW568 kmsKHANDWA JUNCTIONPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 5mARR.09:1509:15DEP.09:2009:20 2 In-between stationsTLV584 kmsTALVADYAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.09:4109:41DEP.09:4309:43 2 In-between stationsCAER613 kmsCHHANERAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.10:0410:04DEP.10:0610:06 4 In-between stationsKKN644 kmsKHIRKIYAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.10:2810:28DEP.10:3010:30 1 In-between stationsHD676 kmsHARDAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.10:5510:55DEP.10:5710:57 3 In-between stationsTBN690 kmsTIMARNIPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.11:0811:08DEP.11:1011:10 5 In-between stationsBPF718 kmsBANAPURAPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.11:3011:30DEP.11:3211:32 3 In-between stationsET752 kmsITARSI JNPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 10mARR.12:4512:45DEP.12:5512:55- NDPM769 kmsNARMADAPURAMPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.13:1313:13DEP.13:1513:15
3 In-between stationsBNI776 kmsBUDNIPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 1mARR.13:2713:27DEP.13:2813:28 1 In-between stationsODG814 kmsOBAIDULLA GANJPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.14:0814:08DEP.14:1014:10 1 In-between stationsMDDP828 kmsMANDI DIPPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.14:2314:23DEP.14:2514:25- RKMP844 kmsRANI KAMALAPATIPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 2mARR.14:5014:50DEP.14:5214:52
7 In-between stationsBPL850 kmsBHOPALPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 5mARR.15:2515:25DEP.15:3015:30 2 In-between stationsBHS903 kmsVIDISHAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.16:0816:08DEP.16:1016:10 1 In-between stationsGLG924 kmsGULABHGANJPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.16:2816:28DEP.16:3016:30 4 In-between stationsBAQ943 kmsGANJ BASODAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.16:4516:45DEP.16:4716:47 1 In-between stationsMABA971 kmsMANDI BAMORAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.17:1817:18DEP.17:2017:20 3 In-between stationsBINA988 kmsBINA JNPlatform #4Platform #4Stop 5mARR.17:5017:50DEP.17:5517:55 2 In-between stationsDUA1023 kmsDHAURAPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 1mARR.18:2218:22DEP.18:2318:23 4 In-between stationsLAR1051 kmsLALITPURPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 2mARR.18:4418:44DEP.18:4618:46 1 In-between stationsTBT1090 kmsTALBAHATPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 2mARR.19:1419:14DEP.19:1619:16 1 In-between stationsBZY1103 kmsBASAIPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.19:2919:29DEP.19:3119:31 3 In-between stationsBAB1115 kmsBABINAPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.19:4319:43DEP.19:4519:45 2 In-between stationsVGLJ1141 kmsVIRANGANA LAKSHMIBAI JHANSIPlatform #4Platform #4Stop 8mARR.20:2020:20DEP.20:2820:28 2 In-between stationsDAA1165 kmsDATIAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.20:5220:52DEP.20:5420:54 5 In-between stationsDBA1196 kmsDABRAPlatform #4Platform #4Stop 2mARR.21:1621:16DEP.21:1821:18 5 In-between stationsGWL1238 kmsGWALIORPlatform #4Platform #4Stop 2mARR.21:5421:54DEP.21:5621:56 3 In-between stationsMRA1276 kmsMORENAPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.22:2822:28DEP.22:3022:30 3 In-between stationsDHO1304 kmsDHAULPURPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.23:1323:13DEP.23:1523:15 8 In-between stationsAGC1356 kmsAGRA CANTTPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 5mARR.00:0500:05DEP.00:1000:10 4 In-between stationsMTJ1410 kmsMATHURA JN.Platform #2Platform #2Stop 5mARR.00:5500:55DEP.01:0001:00 4 In-between stationsKSV1451 kmsKOSI KALANPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 2mARR.01:3001:30DEP.01:3201:32 4 In-between stationsPWL1494 kmsPALWALPlatform #4Platform #4Stop 2mARR.02:3002:30DEP.02:3202:32 5 In-between stationsFDB1523 kmsFARIDABADPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.02:5402:54DEP.02:5602:56 3 In-between stationsNZM1543 kmsHAZRAT NIZAMUDDIN JNPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 2mARR.03:1403:14DEP.03:1603:16 2 In-between stationsNDLS1551 kmsNEW DELHIPlatform #5Platform #5Stop 15mARR.03:4003:40DEP.03:5503:55 5 In-between stationsSZM1555 kmsSUBZI MANDIPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.04:0804:08DEP.04:1004:10 2 In-between stationsNUR1578 kmsNARELAPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.04:2804:28DEP.04:3004:30 2 In-between stationsSNP1595 kmsSONIPATPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.04:4404:44DEP.04:4604:46 1 In-between stationsGNU1611 kmsGANAURPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.04:5704:57DEP.04:5904:59 1 In-between stationsSMK1623 kmsSAMALKHAPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.05:1205:12DEP.05:1405:14 4 In-between stationsPNP1640 kmsPANIPAT JNPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 2mARR.05:2605:26DEP.05:2805:28 2 In-between stationsKUN1674 kmsKARNALPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.05:5205:52DEP.05:5405:54 1 In-between stationsNLKR1691 kmsNILOKHERIPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.06:0506:05DEP.06:0706:07 3 In-between stationsKKDE1708 kmsKURUKSHETRA JNPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.06:2106:21DEP.06:2306:23 1 In-between stationsSHDM1730 kmsSHAHBAD MARKNDAPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.06:4106:41DEP.06:4306:43 1 In-between stationsUMB1749 kmsAMBALA CANT JNPlatform #7Platform #7Stop 13mARR.07:4507:45DEP.07:5807:58 1 In-between stationsUBC1757 kmsAMBALA CITYPlatform #2Platform #2Stop 2mARR.08:0908:09DEP.08:1108:11 3 In-between stationsRPJ1777 kmsRAJPURA JNPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.08:3808:38DEP.08:4008:40 3 In-between stationsPTA1802 kmsPATIALAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 5mARR.09:1009:10DEP.09:1509:15 3 In-between stationsNBA1828 kmsNABHAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.09:3909:39DEP.09:4109:41 1 In-between stationsDUI1855 kmsDHURI JNPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 25mARR.10:1510:15DEP.10:4010:40 2 In-between stationsMET1872 kmsMALERKOTLAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.10:5810:58DEP.11:0011:00 4 In-between stationsAHH1891 kmsAHMADGARHPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.11:1611:16DEP.11:1811:18 1 In-between stationsLDH1917 kmsLUDHIANA JNPlatform #5Platform #5Stop 10mARR.12:4512:45DEP.12:5512:55 3 In-between stationsPHR1930 kmsPHILLAUR JNPlatform #3Platform #3Stop 2mARR.13:0913:09DEP.13:1113:11 1 In-between stationsPGW1953 kmsPHAGWARA JNPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.13:4313:43DEP.13:4513:45- JRC1969 kmsJALANDHAR CANTPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.14:0214:02DEP.14:0414:04
6 In-between stationsJUC1974 kmsJALANDHAR CITYPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 5mARR.14:1514:15DEP.14:2014:20 3 In-between stationsBEAS2010 kmsBEASPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.14:5114:51DEP.14:5314:53 1 In-between stationsJNL2034 kmsJANDIALAPlatform #1Platform #1Stop 2mARR.15:3515:35DEP.15:3715:37- ASR2052 kmsAMRITSAR JNPlatform #4Platform #4Stop 0mARR.16:1516:15DEP.16:1516:15
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Available Classes in 11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express
You can travel in 11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express across the major ticketing classes such as 2A,3E,SL. When boarding your train, you can also check the platform your train will arrive at via the Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express live status portal of MakeMyTrip. The platform number is available for all halts across the train route between source and destination stations.The live 11057 train running status feature makes your journey between source and destination stations convenient, ensuring you reach your boarding point in time and stay updated on all changes in your train's schedule. With data sourced from NTES, the live train tracking platform of Indian Railways, MakeMyTrip enables accurate and quick display of Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express running status.
Train Route of 11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express
Track 11057 train running status live across the train route between source and destination stations through MakeMyTrip. While taking a look at the 11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express train running status on MakeMyTrip, you can also check the other detailed information available about the route.You can check the total distance covered from the source station, the total distance remaining to be covered, the time remaining for journey completion, the number of stations before your deboarding station, the halt duration for your deboarding station and more. With a quick checking of Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express live status, eliminate the hassles of last-minute boarding/deboarding and travel inconvenience.
11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express Train Live Running Status on MakeMyTrip
Planning a train journey from C SHIVAJI MAH T to AMRITSAR JN anytime soon? To make your journeys more hassle-free, you can now check the 11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express train live running status on MakeMyTrip. While travelling from C SHIVAJI MAH T to AMRITSAR JN, the total distance covered is 2052.0 km.
11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express Schedule
Currently, 11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express operates on 7 days a week on Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat. It operates from C SHIVAJI MAH T (CSMT) to AMRITSAR JN (ASR). As for the halts, there are around 80 stations along the way. To monitor the live location of your train or check the upcoming station’s name, you can simply rely on MakeMyTrip’s train running status option. 11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express’s departure time from its source station is 23:30. And, it reaches its destination at around 16:15.
Online Booking of 11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express Train on MakeMyTrip
Apart from 11057 Mumbai CSMT - Amritsar Express train live running status, MakeMyTrip also allows you to book tickets with complete ease. To book your online tickets, first, enter your source and destination. Now, pick the right timing as per your plans, and choose your preferred train class and berth type. Lastly, complete the payment process carefully and then use your IRCTC login ID to confirm your booking. And that’s it; you have done all you need to do for your IRCTC ticket booking on MakeMyTrip.
Above all, you can also check your PNR status by simply entering your 10-digit PNR number to check the details of your train tickets. In case you’ve missed out on general tickets and need to book your seat in an emergency, you can also book a tatkal train ticket on MakeMyTrip.
- C SHIVAJI MAH T140 min23:3023:3023:3023:30
- DADAR103 min23:3723:4023:3723:40
- THANE73 min00:0200:0500:0200:05
- KALYAN JN43 min00:3200:3500:3200:35
- KASARA13 min01:2801:3101:2801:31
- DEVLALI11 min02:4502:4602:4502:46
- NASIK ROAD25 min02:5002:5502:5002:55
- MANMAD JN23 min04:0204:0504:0204:05
- CHALISGAON JN22 min04:5805:0004:5805:00
- PACHORA JN32 min05:2805:3005:2805:30
- JALGAON JN32 min06:1306:1506:1306:15
- BHUSAVAL JN55 min06:4506:5006:4506:50
- SAVDA11 min07:0907:1007:0907:10
- RAVER11 min07:2407:2507:2407:25
- BURHANPUR22 min07:4307:4507:4307:45
- NEPANAGAR12 min08:0808:1008:0808:10
- KHANDWA JUNCTION15 min09:1509:2009:1509:20
- TALVADYA12 min09:4109:4309:4109:43
- CHHANERA12 min10:0410:0610:0410:06
- KHIRKIYA12 min10:2810:3010:2810:30
- HARDA12 min10:5510:5710:5510:57
- TIMARNI22 min11:0811:1011:0811:10
- BANAPURA22 min11:3011:3211:3011:32
- ITARSI JN210 min12:4512:5512:4512:55
- NARMADAPURAM12 min13:1313:1513:1313:15
- BUDNI21 min13:2713:2813:2713:28
- OBAIDULLA GANJ22 min14:0814:1014:0814:10
- MANDI DIP12 min14:2314:2514:2314:25
- RANI KAMALAPATI32 min14:5014:5214:5014:52
- BHOPAL35 min15:2515:3015:2515:30
- VIDISHA12 min16:0816:1016:0816:10
- GULABHGANJ12 min16:2816:3016:2816:30
- GANJ BASODA12 min16:4516:4716:4516:47
- MANDI BAMORA12 min17:1817:2017:1817:20
- BINA JN45 min17:5017:5517:5017:55
- DHAURA21 min18:2218:2318:2218:23
- LALITPUR32 min18:4418:4618:4418:46
- TALBAHAT32 min19:1419:1619:1419:16
- BASAI22 min19:2919:3119:2919:31
- BABINA22 min19:4319:4519:4319:45
- VIRANGANA LAKSHMIBAI JHANSI48 min20:2020:2820:2020:28
- DATIA12 min20:5220:5420:5220:54
- DABRA42 min21:1621:1821:1621:18
- GWALIOR42 min21:5421:5621:5421:56
- MORENA22 min22:2822:3022:2822:30
- DHAULPUR12 min23:1323:1523:1323:15
- AGRA CANTT35 min00:0500:1000:0500:10
- MATHURA JN.25 min00:5501:0000:5501:00
- KOSI KALAN32 min01:3001:3201:3001:32
- PALWAL42 min02:3002:3202:3002:32
- FARIDABAD22 min02:5402:5602:5402:56
- HAZRAT NIZAMUDDIN JN32 min03:1403:1603:1403:16
- NEW DELHI515 min03:4003:5503:4003:55
- SUBZI MANDI12 min04:0804:1004:0804:10
- NARELA22 min04:2804:3004:2804:30
- SONIPAT22 min04:4404:4604:4404:46
- GANAUR22 min04:5704:5904:5704:59
- SAMALKHA22 min05:1205:1405:1205:14
- PANIPAT JN32 min05:2605:2805:2605:28
- KARNAL22 min05:5205:5405:5205:54
- NILOKHERI22 min06:0506:0706:0506:07
- KURUKSHETRA JN12 min06:2106:2306:2106:23
- SHAHBAD MARKNDA22 min06:4106:4306:4106:43
- AMBALA CANT JN713 min07:4507:5807:4507:58
- AMBALA CITY22 min08:0908:1108:0908:11
- RAJPURA JN12 min08:3808:4008:3808:40
- PATIALA15 min09:1009:1509:1009:15
- NABHA12 min09:3909:4109:3909:41
- DHURI JN125 min10:1510:4010:1510:40
- MALERKOTLA12 min10:5811:0010:5811:00
- AHMADGARH12 min11:1611:1811:1611:18
- LUDHIANA JN510 min12:4512:5512:4512:55
- PHILLAUR JN32 min13:0913:1113:0913:11
- PHAGWARA JN12 min13:4313:4513:4313:45
- JALANDHAR CANT12 min14:0214:0414:0214:04
- JALANDHAR CITY15 min14:1514:2014:1514:20
- BEAS12 min14:5114:5314:5114:53
- JANDIALA12 min15:3515:3715:3515:37
- AMRITSAR JN40 min16:1516:1516:1516:15
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11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the last stop for CSMT ASR EXPRESS 11057 train?
The last stop for CSMT ASR EXPRESS 11057 train is AMRITSAR JN(ASR). The train reaches AMRITSAR JN at 16:15
What is the first stop for CSMT ASR EXPRESS 11057 train?
The first stop for CSMT ASR EXPRESS 11057 train is C SHIVAJI MAH T(CSMT). The train reaches C SHIVAJI MAH T at 23:30
How much distance 11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS covered?
11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS covers a distance of 2052.0 in 40:45 hrs.
Which is the source and destination of 11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS train?
Is 11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS train running or not?
You can check the running status of CSMT ASR EXPRESS via the MakeMyTrip website or app through your preferred device and get near-accurate live train status.
Where is 11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS train now?
You can check the real-time CSMT ASR EXPRESS live running status via MakeMyTrip’s website and app-based portal to keep up with your journey. The details are closely accurate, sourced from NTES, and help track your train on the go so that you can stay on schedule.
How often is the 11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS live running status updated?
The CSMT ASR EXPRESS 11057 running status is updated live on the go via the GPS-enabled tracking system of NTES, allowing you to check the train’s status as and when you need.
How early should I arrive at the station before train 11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS departure time?
With the 11057 train running status available with live updates in real-time, you can conveniently reach your boarding station at any time before your train’s departure time. Simply keep tracking your train status on MakeMyTrip and reach a few minutes early before the train’s arrival to avoid any last-minute hassles.
11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS passes through how many stations?
The total number of stations across the 11057 CSMT ASR EXPRESS route is available along with the live train status on MakeMyTrip which you can check anytime.
Can I find the live running status for other trains as well?
Yes, you can check the live running status for all other trains on the MakeMyTrip Live Train Status portal accessible via the app and web.