IRCTC Authorized Partner

12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP Train Running Status

#12849Bilaspur - Pune SF Express

1284912849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express

PUNE(+1 Day)09:30

Remaining  1297 kms

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  • Sun2 Mar 2025
  • Mon3 Mar 2025
  • Tue4 Mar 2025
  • Wed5 Mar 2025
  • Thu6 Mar 2025
  • Fri7 Mar 2025
  • Sat8 Mar 2025
DistanceStation NameScheduledActual
12 Sept 2024(Starting point)(End point)

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Available Classes in 12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express

You can travel in 12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express across the major ticketing classes such as 1A,2A,3A,3E,SL. When boarding your train, you can also check the platform your train will arrive at via the Bilaspur - Pune SF Express live status portal of MakeMyTrip. The platform number is available for all halts across the train route between source and destination stations.

The live 12849 train running status feature makes your journey between source and destination stations convenient, ensuring you reach your boarding point in time and stay updated on all changes in your train's schedule. With data sourced from NTES, the live train tracking platform of Indian Railways, MakeMyTrip enables accurate and quick display of Bilaspur - Pune SF Express running status.

Train Route of 12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express

Track 12849 train running status live across the train route between source and destination stations through MakeMyTrip. While taking a look at the 12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express train running status on MakeMyTrip, you can also check the other detailed information available about the route.

You can check the total distance covered from the source station, the total distance remaining to be covered, the time remaining for journey completion, the number of stations before your deboarding station, the halt duration for your deboarding station and more. With a quick checking of Bilaspur - Pune SF Express live status, eliminate the hassles of last-minute boarding/deboarding and travel inconvenience.

12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express Train Live Running Status on MakeMyTrip

Planning a train journey from BILASPUR JN to PUNE JN anytime soon? To make your journeys more hassle-free, you can now check the 12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express train live running status on MakeMyTrip. While travelling from BILASPUR JN to PUNE JN, the total distance covered is 1297.0 km.

12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express Schedule

Currently, 12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express operates on 1 days a week on Thu. It operates from BILASPUR JN (BSP) to PUNE JN (PUNE). As for the halts, there are around 18 stations along the way. To monitor the live location of your train or check the upcoming station’s name, you can simply rely on MakeMyTrip’s train running status option. 12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express’s departure time from its source station is 11:20. And, it reaches its destination at around 09:30.

Online Booking of 12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express Train on MakeMyTrip

Apart from 12849 Bilaspur - Pune SF Express train live running status, MakeMyTrip also allows you to book tickets with complete ease. To book your online tickets, first, enter your source and destination. Now, pick the right timing as per your plans, and choose your preferred train class and berth type. Lastly, complete the payment process carefully and then use your IRCTC login ID to confirm your booking. And that’s it; you have done all you need to do for your IRCTC ticket booking on MakeMyTrip.

Above all, you can also check your PNR status by simply entering your 10-digit PNR number to check the details of your train tickets. In case you’ve missed out on general tickets and need to book your seat in an emergency, you can also book a tatkal train ticket on MakeMyTrip.

Station NamePlatformHalt timeSch. ArrivalSch. DepartureAct. ArrivalAct. Departure

Enter the PNR number to check your booking status instantly!

12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP - Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the last stop for BSP PUNE SF EXP 12849 train?

    The last stop for BSP PUNE SF EXP 12849 train is PUNE JN(PUNE). The train reaches PUNE JN at 09:30

  • What is the first stop for BSP PUNE SF EXP 12849 train?

    The first stop for BSP PUNE SF EXP 12849 train is BILASPUR JN(BSP). The train reaches BILASPUR JN at 11:20

  • How much distance 12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP covered?

    12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP covers a distance of 1297.0 in 22:10 hrs.

  • Which is the source and destination of 12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP train?

    12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP runs from BILASPUR JN to PUNE JN.

  • Is 12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP train running or not?

    You can check the running status of BSP PUNE SF EXP via the MakeMyTrip website or app through your preferred device and get near-accurate live train status.

  • Where is 12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP train now?

    You can check the real-time BSP PUNE SF EXP live running status via MakeMyTrip’s website and app-based portal to keep up with your journey. The details are closely accurate, sourced from NTES, and help track your train on the go so that you can stay on schedule.

  • How often is the 12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP live running status updated?

    The BSP PUNE SF EXP 12849 running status is updated live on the go via the GPS-enabled tracking system of NTES, allowing you to check the train’s status as and when you need.

  • How early should I arrive at the station before train 12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP departure time?

    With the 12849 train running status available with live updates in real-time, you can conveniently reach your boarding station at any time before your train’s departure time. Simply keep tracking your train status on MakeMyTrip and reach a few minutes early before the train’s arrival to avoid any last-minute hassles.

  • 12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP passes through how many stations?

    The total number of stations across the 12849 BSP PUNE SF EXP route is available along with the live train status on MakeMyTrip which you can check anytime.

  • Can I find the live running status for other trains as well?

    Yes, you can check the live running status for all other trains on the MakeMyTrip Live Train Status portal accessible via the app and web.