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Bani To Bhupia Mau Trains

10 festive special trains found from GNG, AME, NHH, SLN, PBH to PBH, GNG, SLN, AME

COVID special trains from Bani to Bhupia Mau

10 COVID special trains found from GNG, JAIS, AME, MFKA, NHH, SLN, PBH to PBH, GNG, SLN, MFKA, AME

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Trains from Bhupia Mau to Bani

Bani to Bhupia Mau Trains - FAQs

  • How many trains run from Bani to Bhupia Mau on a daily basis?

    There are around 1 trains runs from Bani to Bhupia Mau on a daily basis. The following trains start from Bani to Bhupia Mau. BE PYGS EXP (14308) etc.

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  • When does the first train leaves from Bani to Bhupia Mau?

    The first train from Bani to Bhupia Mau is BE PYGS EXP (14308) , which leaves around 02:12.

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  • When does the last train leaves from Bani to Bhupia Mau?

    The last train from Bani to Bhupia Mau is BE PYGS EXP (14308) , which leaves around 02:12.

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  • Suggest the travel time by train between Bani to Bhupia Mau?

    Travel time by train between Bani to Bhupia Mau is 01h 54m.

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  • How many Bani to Bhupia Mau covid special trains are running currently?

    Currently 10 Bani to Bhupia Mau covid special trains are running.

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  • How to order food in train?

    Go to the MMT app on your mobile and click on Train & Buses icon> Food in Trains> Order Food> Enter your PNR and choose your food, pay online or COD and get the food delivered right at your seat.

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  • How many railway stations are there in Bani?

    The number of railway stations in Bani are 1.

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  • How many railway stations are there in Bhupia Mau?

    The number of railway stations in Bhupia Mau are 1.

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  • What is the distance to travel from Bani to Bhupia Mau by rail?

    To travel from Bani to Bhupia Mau by rail, the distance that needs to be covered is 62 kms.

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  • Which is the fastest train from Sarai Sagar to Banda?

    The fastest train from Sarai Sagar to Banda is BE PYGS EXP.

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  • What is the duration between Bani to Bhupia Mau if travelled by train?

    The train journey between Bani to Bhupia Mau will take around 1:54 hrs.

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  • What are Bani to Bhupia Mau train timings?

    1 train run Bani to Bhupia Mau, please find below their departure times:
    14308 train (BE PYGS EXP) - Departs at 02:12 hrs and running days ( Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat )

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More about Bani to Bhupia Mau route

Want to travel from Bani to Bhupia Mau? Know about the trains running on this route. Some of the trains that run on this route are Hwh BE PYGS EXP (14308) etc. Time taken by different trains is approximately 01h 54m to 01h 54m. Choose your train according to your suitability from trains that run on daily basis like BE PYGS EXP (14308) etc. You can check live train running status, tatkal train tickets and PNR status on MakeMyTrip app and website. Choose MMT for the best Bani to Bhupia Mau train ticket price. Before booking your train, get all the important info about the route as well as the Bani to Bhupia Mau train fare Also, benefit from Trip Guarantee if your booking is still in the waitlist.