Akbarpur to Kunda
Kunda is approximately 200+ kms from Akbarpur. The fastest way to reach Kunda from Akbarpur is by Cab, Train Via Prayagraj(Allahabad). It takes approximately 7 hours. The cheapest way to reach Kunda from Akbarpur is by Cab, Train Via Prayagraj(Allahabad) which would take approximately 7 hours.
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Mode of Transport
Via Prayagraj(Allahabad)
Akbarpur, Ambedkar Nagar
Approx Travel Time
6h 24m
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the distance between Akbarpur and Kunda?
Kunda is approximately 200+ kms from Akbarpur.
How long does it take to reach Kunda from Akbarpur?
It takes approximately 7 hours to reach Kunda from Akbarpur by Cab, Train Via Prayagraj(Allahabad).
What is the cheapest way to reach Kunda from Akbarpur?
The cheapest way to reach Kunda from Akbarpur is by Cab, Train Via Prayagraj(Allahabad).
What is the fastest way to reach Kunda from Akbarpur?
The fastest way to reach Kunda from Akbarpur is by Cab, Train Via Prayagraj(Allahabad).