Fictional Places Have Their Passports Too. And They Are the Coolest!

G. John Cole

Last updated: Nov 2, 2017

It can be difficult to let go of a beloved fictional universe when you reach the end of the book, series, or movie in which it was contained.

You visited the fictitious homeland of your heroes daily (or more likely spent one ‘bingey’ weekend there!) and suddenly your trip came to an end. If only there were a way to travel there for real…

This thought inspired the people at Budget Direct Travel Insurance to create their newest series of speculative illustrations. They’ve got the bureaucracy of your dimension-hopping vacation all sewn-up with these imaginative conceptualizations of what it might be like to get a passport from one fictional country or another.

Kingdom Of The North (Game Of Thrones)


You’d better hope dangerous weapons aren’t allowed on flights out of the Kingdom Of The North, because with their own passport it could become a case of “have massive sword, will travel”.

It’s good to see that Arya Stark has quit travelling under a false identity, though – here’s her passport in all its wintry melancholy.

Read more: 7 Shooting Locations from Game of Thrones You Didn’t Know Were Real

Tatooine (Star Wars)


Luke Skywalker: now there’s a chap who’s crossed some borders in his time. And do we ever see anyone check for his passport?

Well okay, he comes under quite a bit of scrutiny on his travels: you have to put his success in (generally) evading capture at checkpoints down to a combination of the Force and the dark glass they use for Stormtroopers’ helmet visors.

So here, because those Stormtroopers never thought to ask, is Luke Skywalker’s passport.

Narnia (The Chronicles Of Narnia)


Admit it: when you read Narnia as a kid, you tried more than once to remove the panels from the back of your wardrobe and break on through to the other side.

Perhaps with the right paperwork, you’d have had more luck. Here’s Aslan’s passport – the majestic lion is both holder and icon, of course!

The Shire (Lord Of The Rings)

The Shire is a relatively peaceful region of the LOTR universe—it's no wonder the passports are difficult to come by.

Those pages are a little unsettling though, aren’t they?

Read more: Discovering Lord of The Rings Film Locations in New Zealand

Japanese Pacific States (The Man In The High Castle)


It’ll be “papers, please” when you try to cross the borders of the Pacific States. The design of the passport you’ll need makes for an unsettling alternate-history mix of American iconography and Imperial Japanese symbolism.

Krypton (Superman)


It’s an old-school comic book-style design for the Krypton passport. But does Superman’s uniform have a suitable pocket for it?

Panem (The Hunger Games)


Panem’s a pretty grim place to live. You can’t blame Katniss and her peers for wanting a vacation from time to time. Thankfully, the paperwork seems to be in order.

Which fictional countries are on your fantasy travel bucket-list?

Passport Illustrations by: Budget Direct