Kanjeevarams and More: Timeless Souvenirs to Score in Tamil Nadu

Meena Nair

Last updated: Sep 24, 2019

Author Recommends


Do visit the Meenakshi temple in Madurai to see its famous 33,000 sculptures


Buy Kanjeevaram saris from authentic stores. They are many duplicates doing rounds!


To say Hello in Tamil Nadu, say Vanakkam


Do capture the intricate artwork of the temples

Want To Go ? 

If you thought it was only Kanjeevarams that you could leave Tamil Nadu without, think again! Here are some more timeless souvenirs from Tamil Nadu that you just have to own! 

Kanjeevaram Saris


Though you can pick up silk saris from anywhere, if you don’t pick one up from Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, you are missing something. Situated about two hours from Chennai, this city weaves its world-famed silk saris from pure mulberry silk thread, where the body and the border are woven separately, only to be joined later. The joining is so strong that the sari may tear off, but the border will not detach. This is what sets these saris apart! If you are in a mood to splurge, you can even get bespoke sarees made in your favourite colours and patterns. What’s more, some weavers are also happy to embroider your face (or your loved ones’) right onto the saree’s pallu!

Read More: Top 5 things to do in Chennai

Pattamadai Paais (Mats)

Originating from a small town called Pattamadai in Thirunelveli, these mats are made from korai grass is split into fine strands after being soaked in water for weeks, and then dried and dyed. The longer the korai is soaked, the finer the mats get. Some of the finest mats have a texture akin to silk. History has it that these mats were even sent to Queen Elizabeth. Now, isn’t that reason enough for you to possess one?

Tanjavore Painting

A native art form originating from Thanjavur town in Tamil Nadu, these paintings are famous world-across for their dense composition, vibrant colours and rich texture. Most of these paintings revolve around gods and goddesses, and are often embellished with pearls, gold, semi-precious stones and glass pieces. Own one of them and you can boast about it for the rest of your life!

Read More: Celebrating Pongal the Tamil way

Chola Bronze Figurines


Bronze statues made from Chola dynasty’s famous lost-wax method are still found in cities like Madurai and Tiruchirapalli, where wax samples of figurines are made and covered with three layers of clay. Once the clay is dry, it is heated over an open-ground oven, and the molten wax is forced out through strategically placed openings in the figurine. Molten bronze is then poured into the mould and allowed to set. Once the mould is broken, the glittering bronze figurine emerges. Definitely a souvenir worth possessing!

Papier Mache Dolls

Hand-beaten waste paper mixed with clay gives rise to some of the most beautiful, colourful dolls ever seen – some even life-sized. They are usually in the form of gods and goddesses, animal forms, masks, and scenes from mythological epics. Whichever form you choose, they are bound to enhance the beauty of the area they are placed in.

Kaapi Maker

If you are a coffee lover, two to three days in Tamil Nadu are bound to get you hooked to filter coffee (kaapi). To carry with you the taste of this strong, sweet, milky coffee, pick up a filter coffee maker. It not only makes for an excellent souvenir, but will soon earn you the title of a filter-coffee expert. 

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