Here’s How We Built a Truly Personalised App Experience @MakeMyTrip

MakeMyTrip Blog

Last updated: Nov 13, 2017

At MakeMyTrip, we constantly aspire to make travel research, planning and booking experience seamless for our users. Our design, product and engineering teams are committed to developing technologies which create an impactful experience for our users. One of the core components to make that experience seamless and immensely relevant is to show the right information to the user at the right time and in the right context. Most of you would agree that travel booking involves a lot of planning, be it leisure trip or business travel. Depending on where, with whom and under which context one is travelling, the user preferences and choice varies. At MakeMyTrip, we strive to solve for this by taking into account user preferences, search history and by leveraging our years of travel booking experience.

In a recent talk Google Product Leader Luke W spoke of how desktop-first companies fail to embrace mobile-centric thinking and cited eBay’s decade long struggle to design for mobile – or Amazon’s years of experiments in bettering its passwords entry flows until they realised that just fingerprint scan on a mobile could do just as well. Luke calls these pixel-pushing, performance-enhancing releases – merely incremental. Exactly that is what Cosmos (this project was internally code-named Cosmos) is not.

What we have released is significant because of the invisible elements that embrace mobile centricity: the power of location, the understanding of individual intent through navigation, search, shortlisting and more.

The idea is not to create for a billion users – but design specifically for one, create around one. Scalable to a billion, individually, in milli seconds. The idea is to play up the ‘my’ in MakeMyTrip.


Because mobile allows us to personalize your experience in a way that no other technology before ever did.

OTAs have close to 82% cart abandonment and APAC rates are amongst the highest. A MilwardBrown study cites 87% users willing to retrace, reconsider their searches and carts. Cosmos is a key step in retaining contexts, reducing friction and remarketing.

Its significant because deep personalization can lead to intelligent persuasion and social proofing. And eventually conversions!

What we realized over a period of time is that at our scale where we are serving millions of users every day, one size fits all approach is not best from user experience point of view. We started by thinking how we can make the user experience personalised, starting from the research/planning phase to the booking phase to post booking travel related use cases.

This is how we solved it!

We started with a simple question - How to leverage user’s historical search data to personalise the product experience with the objective to show the right information to the user at the right time?

We are serving millions of app impressions across our user base every day, so we started our journey by personalising the homepage for our users. We segregated our users into different buckets so as to understand what we can do differently for different user cohorts and how we can build a more relevant product experience for our users. Our users were dissected into the following categories:

In each of the above scenarios, we needed to serve a very different kind of information to the user. For e.g. if a user has not searched with us earlier, we need to present the user with the most relevant content which inspires the user to travel. If a user has already made a search, we need to identify the most relevant information which will aid a user in making a booking. When a user has made a booking, the most important post booking scenarios which a user needs to be made aware of need to be highlighted.

While designing the experience, we kept all of these scenarios in mind and came up with a card based layout so as to serve the most relevant cards depending upon current user state.

When a user has not made any search with us: Presenting them with best offers, trending destinations basis searches happening around his/her area, lowest flight fares from user’s geo location.     

What’s happening behind the scenes?

cosmos 2

Our precious learnings

Yes, we are making it more exciting. This is what is in store!

Industry recognitions

We have recently been featured by Google on Play Store for being one of the best apps in the travel category.

We will continue to strive for gold standard to always be on top by adapting to latest technologies and consumer preferences. So how has your experience with our app been? We would love to hear your feedback on this.