The Colossal Wildebeest Migration of Africa

Siddharth Dehl

Last updated: Apr 3, 2017

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A rhino in Lake Nakuru, Tsavo National Park and Lewa Wildlife Converancy


Carry good rain-proof shoes and a waterproof bag
Pack a universal plug adapter to charge your phone, your camera, your iPad


The breathtaking views of Mt Kilimanjaro from Amboseli National Parks


You can see pink flamingos and pearl-white pelicans that flock to Lake Nakuru National Park


To avoid getting bitten in the jungle, carry a mosquito repellant
A good flashlight will make life inside the jungle a lot easier and less scarier

Want To Go ? 

It’s the circle of life. The one we have often heard and read about, and follow. But it is the wildebeests of Southern Africa who take the philosophy to a whole new level! From Serengeti to Masai Mara - July through October - and back to Serengeti - December and January, these herbivores are in a constant cycle of migrating to green pastures, mating, giving birth, and returning to where they started from but with their little ones.



The Animal Instinct

It’s just a simple animal instinct - to find rich pastures to graze, and water to drink. And this instinct got The Great Wildebeest Migration of Africa a place in the list of the Seven Wonders of the World in 2006. Nowhere in the whole wide world will you see a movement of animals as grand as the wildebeest migration. Over two million of them migrate from the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the greenery of the Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya and vice-versa.

A birds-eye view of a herd of wildebeests preparing for migration | Photo Credit: T R Shankar Raman

Crossing the Rivers

It’s not easy for them. The rains play havoc with the nature of generally-placid rivers and make them so violent that any animal will hesitate twice before setting foot in their slushy roars. And if the rains aren’t troubling them, the crocodiles are. The migration means a feast for the crocodiles and the other carnivores that know the rivers will slow these gentle-beests down.



The Migration 

To say that wildebeests have specific periods of migration will be wrong. In fact, they are always on the move. Starting April, Masai Mara begins to lose necessary elevation in is water table. This is also the mating season for wildebeests. By June-July, the game reserve runs dry and that is a perfect time for the wildebeests to cross over to the adjacent and greener Serengeti National Park in the south. In Serengeti, in October and November, the wildebeests stay on for two long months and start the process of birthing by January and February. It’s a time for celebrations but for the carnivores of Serengeti only, which include hyenas, lions, leopards, and the cheetahs. As thousands of female wildebeests give birth to their young ones, it’s common for predators to walk off with their newborns.



Witnessing the Migration

Well, if you want to see the greatest natural spectacle of all times, you’ve got to plan a vacation to Kenya during the months of July and September. There are many wildlife safari companies in Nairobi that organise game drives in Serengeti and Masai Mara both. There are certain resorts within the game reserves that are located close to the migration sites.



The verdant Great Rift Valley full of wildebeests | Photo Credit: Ganesh Raghunathan

June has almost come to an end. Plan ahead. Book your holiday or flights to Kenya today!