2-3 hours
Suggested Time
4-5 hours
Suggested Time
Here are a few quick facts about Kutch to make your travel safe and easy. Kutch is a Wildlife destination. The best time to visit Kutch is October, November, December, January and February. Since this is the peak season expect a little crowd during this time. March, April, May and June period experiences moderate weather. So, you can easily avoid facing a large gathering.
In peak season you can expect cool and comfortable weather, whereas in off-season, tourists expect pleasant weather with occasional showers. In moderate seasons, most of the expectation is extremely hot and humid days with temperatures soaring as high as 48°C. In Kutch, the festivals of Rann Utsav, International Kite Festival (Uttarayan) and Navratri are celebrated when a large number of tourists flock together. The festivals are celebrated in the month of November – February, January and October/November respectively. So, if you are fond of bustling streets and localities, choose this time of the year to travel.
If your travel seems incomplete without getting into some fun activities then you will love to get indulged in sightseeing and attending the vibrant Rann Utsav Festival. In moderate season you will love to get indulged in escaping the crowds and heavy off-season discounts.
Whilst in Kutch, we also recommend that you pay a visit to some of the most popular places which are Kutch Museum, Vijaya Vilas Palace and Aina Mahal.
What are the best places to visit in Kutch?
The most loved attractions in Kutch are Kutch Museum, Vijaya Vilas Palace and Aina Mahal.
What are the best places to visit in Kutch?
Kutch has loads of places that you can visit on your vacation. Our recommendation of the best places to visit in Kutch include - Kutch Museum, Vijaya Vilas Palace, and Aina Mahal. Apart from these, there are multiple other places to visit that you can explore if you are on a longer trip!
For which type of travelling is Kutch a perfect destination?
Kutch is a perfect destination for Wildlife themed holidays.