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Nanda Ki Chowki
Here are a few quick facts about Dehradun to make your travel safe and easy. Dehradun is a Hills & Mountains destination. The best time to visit Dehradun is April, May and June. Since this is the peak season expect a little crowd during this time. November, December, January, February and March period experiences moderate weather. So, you can easily avoid facing a large gathering.
In peak season you can expect pleasant weather throughout the day and colder nights, whereas in off-season, tourists expect cloudy skies with frequent drizzles. In moderate seasons, most of the expectation is moderately to extremely cold days along with chilly nights. In Dehradun, the festivals of Tapkeshwar Fair and Jhanda Fair are celebrated when a large number of tourists flock together. The festivals are celebrated in the month of March and March/April respectively. So, if you are fond of bustling streets and localities, choose this time of the year to travel.
If your travel seems incomplete without getting into some fun activities then you will love to get indulged in sightseeing and adventure activities. In moderate season you will love to get indulged in the mist-covered hills.
Whilst in Dehradun, we also recommend that you pay a visit to some of the most popular places which are Jungle Safari at Rajaji National Park, Robber’s Cave and Tapkeshwar temple.
What are the things that you should not miss out on when you are in Dehradun?
If you are a true traveller, you should definitely not miss out on Jungle Safari at Rajaji National Park, Robber’s Cave, and Tapkeshwar temple when you are in Dehradun to make a funfilled vacay.
How is the weather of Dehradun in peak season?
The weather of Dehradun in peak season is pleasant weather throughout the day and colder nights. It means you can easily plan a trip to Dehradun in the months of April, May and June to enjoy your trip to the fullest.
What is the best time to visit Dehradun?
Ideally the best time to visit any place is considered when the weather conditions are delightful. For Dehradun, you can choose to go in April, May and June which is the peak season and November, December, January, February and March which is the moderate season. Both will serve you well to unwind from your tedious routine.